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Welcome to SAF
Measurement Solution

Clients worldwide rely on us to remain current in our metrology knowledge to ensure that required accuracy is met - from the simplest to the most exacting application. Whether servicing small manufacturers or leading companies within a diverse range of industries, we take pride in our approach to dimensional metrology and engineering support services.

We will provide tailored service solutions to meet clients¡¯ dimensional metrology and engineering support needs in areas of design, reverse engineering£¬quality control/inspection, alignment, calibration, training, equipment services, and technical support. We approach our services with a combination of best-in-class technologies, proven processes, application specific expertise and the right balance of after service support. Customers can use our dimensional metrology and engineering support services on a project basis with an on-site presence or as a virtual extension of their own in-house team.

Delivering the right result means savings for our clients in terms of engineering, maintenance, training, waste, service£¬installation and downtime¡­savings that help our clients establish a strong position in a highly competitive global environment.