Measure tubes and fixtures quickly and precisely - even the difficult to measure cases, like "bend to bend" and bends with over 179 degree angles.
Thanks to the advanced VRtube®MEASURING solution you can save much time and money.
VRtube®MEASURING is very easy to use. The user is guided through the measuring process step by step. The result is shown as a 3D shaded model.
Data analysis is provided via statistics, tables and 3D-graphics. It is very practice oriented and allows to pinpoint problems directly and easily. The software helps to analyze and solve problems quickly. Differences between CAD- and measured geometry are shown graphically and interactively.
VRtube®MEASURING connects production/quality control with the design-department and supports CAD-based quality control.
It lets you set up and calibrate bending machines.
In contrary to other tube measuring devices VRtube®MEASURING provides an extremely good repeatabilty. Thanks to its advanced algorithms user influence are much less than when using other devices.
VRtube®MEASURING is available for several different measuring systems.